Activism and advocacy

How the Church can #AccelerateAction this International Women’s Day

Posted by Jenni James on 3 March 2025


This year the theme of International Women’s Day is #AccelerateAction. According to the World Economic Forum, it will take until 2158 to reach full gender parity, and this year’s theme emphasises the need to take swift action to accelerate progress for women and girls. At Restored, we believe that the Church can lead the way.

With a rich history of challenging social injustice and a biblical mandate to provide spaces of welcome for the least and the lost, the Church has the potential to be a powerful agent of change. We believe it should be no different when it comes to gender inequality. 
Across the world, women and girls are facing an epidemic of violence and discrimination: lack of access to education, forced marriage, sexual violence and domestic abuse are just a few examples. So how can the Church make a difference, and demonstrate a better way to the world around us?


A meaningful response to gender inequality must start by recognising the ways in which we’ve been complicit in the problem. Whilst the Church has been a leader in many social justice movements throughout history, it’s also true that at times we have contributed to the problem. Particularly evident through Restored’s work with survivors is how churches have too often allowed domestic abuse to go unchecked, leaving survivors feeling ostracised and perpetrators unchallenged. 
We can be part of the solution, but we need to acknowledge our failings first. Recognising where we need to grow in awareness and understanding will set the foundation for future action, and shows that we really mean it when we say we want to see change.


The next thing we can do to make a difference is to amplify the voices of women and girls, raising awareness of the realities of gender inequality. 

Perhaps you could dedicate some time in a Sunday service or weekly small groups to talk about and pray for women and girls who face discrimination, those in areas of conflict who are at increased risk of sexual violence, or girls in places like Afghanistan who are currently denied access to schooling. Listening to their stories and sharing them with others is a vital part of activism. 

It’s also important to speak up for those who are closer to home. Each day at Restored, we hear stories from Christian women who have experienced domestic abuse. This International Women’s Day, could you give a platform to someone with a similar story? We’ve produced the Molly’s Story booklet, free to access from our website, which demonstrates just how important it is for survivors of faith to find support from a loving church community. Perhaps you could share it with your friends or church family.


Finally, we can take action to make a difference for women and girls. Could you consider donating to  a charity that is working to respond to gender-based violence in the UK or internationally? Or you could contact a support service that is local to you (like refuges or other organisations working with vulnerable women) to ask how you can provide practical help. 

It’s true that one of the biggest risks to women and girls is that of domestic abuse. At Restored, we’ve developed three levels of domestic abuse training specifically with churches in mind, to help you become better equipped to stand against domestic abuse and support survivors. A great step to take in responding to gender based violence could be to join one of these courses – you can find out more here, and join on your own or with a group from your church. 

Together, we can #AccelerateAction and see the Church leading the way in establishing gender equality, so that nobody is left out or left behind.

Take on a challenge for survivors

A great way to raise awareness of gender-based violence and help create meaningful change is to take on a fundraising challenge! Whether you’re a star baker, marathon runner or something even more adventurous, you can raise vital funds for survivors and have fun as you do so.

Get your free fundraising pack