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Understanding domestic abuse

Domestic Abuse and the Cost of Living Crisis

As I write, the latest headlines put inflation at 10.1% and the country is bracing itself for…

Domestic abuse and divorce: What does the Bible say?

You may have heard teaching in churches or from some Christian leaders that divorce is completely unacceptable,…

The Bible Doesn’t Tell Me So’: An interview with Helen Paynter

She knew certain passages would appear. She could imagine the sort of verses that abusers might…

Good’ control?

I was asked a question the other day: ‘How can you tell the difference between good control…

The cycle of abuse

cycleˈsʌɪk(ə)l/nouna series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order.

Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual Abuse Many survivors of domestic abuse have also experienced spiritual abuse, this may have been perpetrated…

First Man Standing Bible Studies

At Restored, we’re passionate that men can and should be active in standing against domestic abuse.

Unholy Charade – Unmasking the Domestic Abuser in the Church

Unholy Charade makes for uncomfortable reading. That is intentional. Over thirty…

Coercive Control

A new Domestic Violence Law came into effect on December 29th, 2015. The Coercive Control offence…

​Daily wisdom from Why Does He Do That?

(By Lundy Bancroft, 2015) ‘Living with an angry, controlling, or unfaithful partner…