
How to speak up: 3 simple ideas

Posted by James on 2 October 2023

October is domestic abuse awareness month.

Speaking up about domestic abuse is central to our mission at Restored. It’s all too easy to think of domestic abuse as something that happens to ‘other people’, but the reality is that in the UK, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6-7 men will experience domestic abuse. That means that it affects people in our churches, workplaces, families and friendship groups. So, what can you do to speak up about the reality of domestic abuse? Here are three simple ideas:

1. Share information about domestic abuse online

If you use social media, you could start by sharing information about domestic abuse and links to support (for example, the domestic abuse helpline) to your profile. The more people we can inform about what domestic abuse is and what it looks like, the more likely we are to be able to do something about it. Take a look at our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for inspiration and posts to share

2. Talk to your church leaders or congregation

Engaging your church is a really impactful step to take: our research shows that 1 in 4 churchgoers have experienced domestic abuse, so talking about it in church is just as important as anywhere else. It could be as simple as praying with your church community about domestic abuse, making sure teaching on healthy relationships features in your Bible studies and sermons, or even dedicating a whole service to the issue of domestic abuse. Check out our ideas for churches.

3. Take on a fundraising challenge

Not only does fundraising raise vital funds to support survivors of domestic abuse, it also provides a great opportunity to talk to your friends, colleagues and family members about the issue of domestic abuse and why it’s important to you. You could fundraise for Refuge, Women’s Aid, or even for Restored. Cake sales, walking challenges, ultra marathons – there’s an idea for everyone! Download your free Restored fundraising pack for top tips and guidance on running a successful fundraising event.

Whatever you do to raise awareness of domestic abuse will make a real difference – you never know who might be impacted by your words and actions. If someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, find advice on how best to support them here.

Domestic Abuse Training

Want to learn more about domestic abuse, what it looks like, and how you can support survivors? Join one of our online domestic abuse training courses.

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