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Christine’s story – chapter 2

The escape I started to read “Why Does He Do That?” by Lundy Bancroft, the book was…

Christine’s story – chapter 1

The Realisation I had run out of ideas, I had tried everything I could think of to…

Karma Nirvana

Karma Nirvana is a UK charity that supports victims (women and men) of honour based abuse…

Healthy Relationships: Predictors and Red Flags

We all know the key elements of a good relationship: respect, honesty, and good communication. Most…

I’ve Run Out of Fight

“I’ve Run Out of Fight” Recently BBC online news highlighted a case where a man…

What does it mean to be a good father?

Father’s Day is a chance to remember and honour our dads and the other men who…

It might be nothing, but it could mean everything

A guide for people who think their friend, relative, neighbour or colleague may be in an…

Reflecting on complementarianism and domestic violence

Guest Blog by Erica Hamence That Question I am a Sydney Anglican Associate Minister and, for the…

​When churches don’t acknowledge abuse – and we have to leave. Paula’s Story

Many Christian women who are victims of domestic abuse end up having to leave their church. This…

Be Bold for Change: Inspiration in the House of Lords

Working in partnership to drive change for women The Bishop of Gloucester, the Right Revd Rachel Treweek…

Domestic Abuse and Substance Abuse

In addition to a prior history of being abusive, heavy substance use is a major risk…

Victim Blaming in the Media

A recent article in the Daily Mail, written by Catherine Hakim, academic and author of…