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Pornography: A Biblical Reflection Part 2

What does the Bible say about pornography? Hosea: national desertion of God as a metaphor for…

Forgiveness, Faith and Abuse

Forgiveness, Faith and Abuse I want to write about my experience with Domestic Abuse as a Christian,…

Pornography: A Biblical Reflection Part 1

The Bible says nothing specifically about pornography – certainly about the invasive internet pornography of our…

How Abuse is Portrayed in the Media

Another news story was published over the holidays which, again, demonstrated the normalisation of the minimisation…

Why I co-founded Restored by Mandy Marshall

Ruth’s husband abused her – but her church did nothing to help I met Ruth…

Margaret’s Story – 7 Years On

Part one of Margaret’s story can be read here I would love to say that the…

Infidelity or Domestic Abuse?

A Challenge to Prevailing Attitudes Minimising Infidelity Historically, society has used language that has served…

The Archers Trial Week

The Archers If you don’t live in the UK, or don’t listen to BBC Radio 4,…


Gaslighting is a form of emotional and psychological abuse used by narcissists and abusers in order to…

Internet Dating – is it safe to venture in?

Internet Dating – Guest Blog by Sally Hope Should I take the plunge? I finally relented…

Institutional Abuse – Hilary’s Story

My own abuse occurred within the context of a bible college. It has taken over a decade…

Well it is clearly your fault, you left the door open!

This was my reaction, when someone told me that they had been burgled because they had forgotten…