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Coercive Control

A new Domestic Violence Law came into effect on December 29th, 2015. The Coercive Control offence…

What comes to your mind when you see behaviour that crosses a line?

I recently read an article, ‘My frightening experience with a male friend taught me that women…

​Daily wisdom from Why Does He Do That?

(By Lundy Bancroft, 2015) ‘Living with an angry, controlling, or unfaithful partner…

Is it rape’? Why we’re talking about consent.

During 2015, there was a lot of talk in the media about consent. A police advert…

The Bible does allow divorce for domestic abuse

Guest blog by Barbara Roberts One of the problems when dealing with domestic abuse in a…

Why don’t we talk about violence against men?

Peter Grant explains the need for a distinct response to violence against women, while recognising that there…

Guest blog – “Why I’m a First Man Standing” by Ben Snuggs

Our First Man Standing campaign asks men to respect women, and to challenge the attitudes and…

Light after Darkness

– A Guest blog by Faye Hurley, Founder of Eden Aromatics and Worthy Woman Within my…

Let’s talk about domestic abuse

Violence against women is everywhere. It can be seen throughout history and is independent of your…

Leaders from Britain’s biggest religions speak out on violence against women (Press Release 13 July 2015)

Leaders from Britain’s biggest religions to declare violence against women ‘irreconcilable’ with the teachings of their…

Restored is 5 today!

As a charity that focusses on ending violence against women and transforming relationships, it’s a little…