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The Istanbul Convention: All Women Means All Women

8 June 2022 marks the tenth anniversary of the UK signing the Istanbul Convention. This major human…

Rosemary’s footsteps

  My first walk- Hadrian’s Wall – was ‘inspired’ by a wish to lament. As part…

Rachel’s Story – The Father’s song

I probably never would have used the word abusive about my marriage – I didn’t really understand…

Baby steps towards relieving loneliness and building community in your life

Loneliness awareness week runs this year from 13th-17th June. The isolation during the pandemic and…

The 4 A’s of Stress Relief

Coming out of a pandemic and returning to normal life with all its demands, responsibilities and expectations…

Why is ‘the Oscar slap’ so disturbing….?

Alongside millions of other TV viewers, I witnessed Will Smith, assault Chris Rock live on television. It…

You made a fool out of me

There’s an old Motown song sung by Mable John that sums up how many survivors of domestic…

Look! The bride!

Look! The bride! she’s coming. So pretty! Everyone turns, everyone smiles, so young , so pure, so…

New Beginnings

The End. Two small words that can evoke an big emotional reaction in us. I…

Dancing for Nazanin

I did a little dance for Nazanin today. A dance of joy that she is finally home,…


Imagine a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

Rehabilitating a domestic abuser: how the Church should respond

Last week we learnt that Prince Andrew settled his sexual assault case with Virginia Guiffre. This action…