Would you know what to do if someone in your church disclosed that they were being abused? Do you feel equipped to support them? If the answer is no or you’re not sure, then you’ve come to the right place.
We offer three levels of high-quality training to equip and enable churches to better respond to domestic abuse. We strongly believe that responding well when domestic abuse is disclosed is a powerful way to be salt and light in our communities, and demonstrate God’s love for survivors.
Level 1: Domestic Abuse Awareness
Get to grips with the basics of what domestic abuse is, how to spot the signs and how to respond by exploring 6 key questions.
Level 2: Understanding Domestic Abuse
Develop your understanding of domestic abuse and how it is perpetrated, as well as exploring what the Bible has to say about abuse and how we should respond.
Level 3: Domestic Abuse Response
Become equipped to walk alongside survivors of abuse in your community, and consider how to engage with abusers in safe and appropriate ways.
‘I do a fair bit of one-day training in my line of work, but I remember the day with Restored as the best.
Most challenging for me personally was the discussions around the impact of my teaching and theology on women in violent relationships – might I be encouraging them to stay and bear their suffering? I have since been contacted by a woman for emergency support, which I was able to give. Having the resources to hand was very useful; it felt a little like having a backup as I met with this situation for the first time as a minister.’